Deferred jobs that are scheduled to occur further in the past than misfire_grace_time will be silently dropped Jobs that take a date or start_date parameter can specify those values either as an epoch int or float or as a datetime object If a datetime is provided, it must be timezone "naive" (see the documentation of datetime) Using the apscheduler together with an sqlite datebase and a daily cron at 1100 I get missed run times by 1 or two minutes although I set the misfire gracetime to 15 Minutes selfscheduler = BackgroundScheduler( logger=log, jobstores={ When this happens, the job is considered to have "misfired" The scheduler will then check each missed execution time against the job's misfire_grace_time option (which can be set on perjob basis or globally in the scheduler) to see if the execution should still be triggered This can lead into the job being executed several times in succession
Github Zhangfh Carnation Apscheduler Based Flask